Professional Office Cleaning; It just makes scents!

By far the most common thing we hear after our office cleans is one simple question; what is that amazing smell? It’s no secret but the chemicals regularly used for cleaning aren’t always the most inviting or welcoming aromas. Strong bleach and cleaning chemicals can leave office environments feeling sterile, bleak and cold. That’s why we equip all our cleaners with a secret weapon for office cleaning; a selection of tried, tested aromatic fragrances to leave any room feeling warm, welcoming, clean and cared for.

Exactly which (herbs and spices) scent blends we use is a closely guarded secret, but as you might guess these range from fresh fruity scents for kitchen and bathroom areas to polish, leather new car type fragrances for private offices and waiting rooms. The feedback we have after deploying these is wholly positive and remains just one of the finishing touches we add to all our office cleans.

While many cleaning companies can clean a site well it’s these small extra details, sometimes very small, which we think make all the difference with our service. Yes, there are the amazing aromatics we use. Yes, there’s also the specialist carpet and flooring equipment we periodically bring to sites to reinvigorate tired materials. Yes, there’s even the staggered approach we use to ‘focus clean’ individual site areas in rotation-on top of our regular cleaning.

But our secret weapon is, and always will be, the commitment of our office cleaning teams in ‘learning a site’. Having regular, local teams with dedicated sites gives us an edge as an experienced family firm. With staff proud of the service they provide they take extra care in all aspects of work; planning, preparing and implantation of their office cleans.

Not sure of the difference? Check your companies cleaning cupboards. We’ve yet to see one (even from other contractors) whose set-up matches ours. Chemicals, materials, equipment and tools logged, colour coded and regularly rotated. Simple, efficient planning for reliable, consistent results. What more can an office need?

For a quote for your office call, message or email today.


Another win for primary school cleaning! Votes are in!


Cleaning up for a fresh start; Charity work