2024- New year New Faces!

With the start of the new year it’s great to see new, fresh faced team members on site.

As an established commercial cleaning company we feel it’s important to provide chances for younger people across Merseyside to gain experience and training to further their careers.  We’re always blown away by the energy, interest and ideas which our apprentices bring to the table.

Commercial cleaning involves more than just hard work and an eye for detail. There’s benchmarking, planning, time scheduling, chemical management, equipment maintenance and more. I cannot think of one aspect that hasn’t been improved by some of the ideas our apprentices have introduced over the years.

 As a commercial cleaning company our teams are deployed to a huge range of locations; offices, schools, shops, nurseries, universities, clinics, hospitals and more.  Each site requires different skills and approaches to provide the consistent, quality service we commit to. That’s why bringing in fresh talent and allowing our experienced staff members to pass on their experience and know-how is invaluable. 

Does that mean they’ll all go on to work with us in the future? Of course not. Does that mean we won’t send the odd one off for some ‘Tartan paint’ or ‘a long stand’ at times? Also no. But what it does mean is that the skills and experience our apprentices gain during their time with us will better equip them for the working world in future and enable us to provide a stronger, better service going forward.

If you’re looking for a local, committed, commercial cleaning company for your site then ask us here at Cleaning Master about what makes our service different. Local, professional cleaning teams from an established family firm. 

Call, message or email to speak to one of our supervisors today. 


Commercial cleaning with a view! Liverpool through and through!


On the road again!