Cleaning Master; A sure bet for the races!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Cleaning Master; A sure bet for the races!

Cleaning Master; A sure bet for the races!

After somewhat of a washout for Merseyside this week weatherwise, our commercial cleaning teams are busy as ever across Liverpool as the city builds up for the annual Aintree Horse races.

While we don’t like to saddle our cleaning teams with too heavy a workload, thankfully they’re in a stable condition…(apologies ‘Hay-larious’ I know)


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2024- New year New Faces!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

2024- New year New Faces!

2024 New year New Faces!

With the start of the new year it’s great to see new, fresh faced team members on site.

As an established commercial cleaning company we feel it’s important to provide chances for younger people across Merseyside to gain experience and training to further their careers. We’re always blown away by the energy, interest and ideas which our apprentices bring to the table.

Commercial cleaning involves more than just hard work and an eye for detail. There’s benchmarking, planning, time scheduling, chemical management, equipment maintenance and more. I cannot think of one aspect that hasn’t been improved by some of the ideas our apprentices have introduced over the years.

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On the road again!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

On the road again!

On the road again!

Congratulations to one of our amazing team members Millie on passing her driving test!

As this represents a major achievement we’re proud to be able to provide her with her first set of wheels as well! We know how tyre-ing it must be managing a cleaning team, especially with us driving her round the bend all the time!

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Our Supervisors; expert eyes on the ground!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Our Supervisors; expert eyes on the ground!

Our Supervisors; because nothing beats expert eyes on the ground!

At Cleaning Master we’re fortunate enough to have amazing commercial cleaning teams who turn up day in, day out; leaving their sites as sparkling today as they did on day one.

In fact, our teams actually improve the longer they work on a school, office or workplace site. Getting to know the best way to clean each individual area and how different commercial cleaning tasks can be best shared over a site day to day, all increase efficiency over time.

So presumably the role of a Supervisor is just box ticking and making sure holiday leave doesn’t clash then? …

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(Commercial Cleaning) Service with a Smile!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

(Commercial Cleaning) Service with a Smile!

(Commercial Cleaning) Service with a Smile!

With tens of cleaning teams providing commercial cleaning in Liverpool each day you would think regular calls and communication from customers would be the norm to us. But even now we still find plenty of surprises day to day!

On a typical day our office must deal with well over a hundred calls from gyms, offices, shops and schools all looking for commercial cleaning solutions. That’s not to mention our current commercial cleaning clients calling to alter or add to their cleaning services.

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Supporting local talent in Liverpool
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Supporting local talent in Liverpool

Supporting local talent in Liverpool

With the amazing England women’s team through the first of the knock out stages (just), it’s great to see the role of Sport in building community; internationally, nationally and most of all locally.

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Office Cleaning Services – Is it worth It?
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Office Cleaning Services – Is it worth It?

Office Cleaning Services – Is it worth It?

Whether you manage a small, medium or large business chances are your office is the nerve centre of what your firm does and how it beats the competition. Even with ‘working from home’, ‘hot-desking’ and ‘remote teams’ at the end of the day nothing beats a real office environment for getting things done as a team!

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Thunderbolts and lighting….
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Thunderbolts and lighting….

Thunderbolts and lighting….

Commercial cleaning across Liverpool goes on!

After a scorcher of a week we’re now looking at continued warning of thunderstorms as the weather changes across Merseyside.

Intermittent torrential rain over Liverpool might seem like a washout, but many of our commercial cleaning teams will be looking forward to some cooler weather going forward.

This is especially the case for many of our school and nursery cleaners across Liverpool. On site from as early as 6AM they’ve been working tirelessly to keep spaces clean, safe and hygienic.


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It IS easy being Green-with Commercial Cleaners Like Us!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

It IS easy being Green-with Commercial Cleaners Like Us!

In today’s world of commercial cleaning decisions are made based on three factors; Quality, Cost and (drumroll)…. “Environmental Impact”.

We often talk about the value and quality our cleaners provide, but we thought it high time we explained why Cleaning Master can be your greener choice as well.

For commercial cleaners, sustainability and green cleaning go hand in hand-and we’re no different. One of the ways we chose to be greener was by moving many of our cleaning solutions and products to more environmentally friendly alternatives.

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A clean sweep for the website! Updates, updates and more.
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

A clean sweep for the website! Updates, updates and more.

A clean sweep for the website! Updates, updates and more.

As an established commercial cleaning company our main business is just that…commercial cleaning.

Yes, we’re flexible. We clean offices, we clean business, we clean schools and more, but at the end of the day quality cleaning is just that.

Of course, we have managers, team leaders, site inspectors and the like but the nitty gritty of what all of them do is to provide quality cleaning for commercial facilities across Merseyside.

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Three Best Rated in Liverpool once again!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Three Best Rated in Liverpool once again!

Three Best Rated once again!

Top rated for Commercial Cleaning across Merseyside!

They say good things come in 3’s. Well for us that’s definitely the case, as for the third year on the run we’ve been a ‘Three Best Rated’ endorsed firm. That’s a top 3 firm for commercial cleaning across Liverpool.

At Cleaning Master we’ve always been really proud of our Three best rating as it’s based on ‘Local’, ‘Quality’ service and to put simply can’t be bought!

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On the road again! Cleaning across Liverpool!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

On the road again! Cleaning across Liverpool!

On the road again! Cleaning across Liverpool!

Thanks to some amazing work by SK Print in Kirkby our Commercial cleaning Vans have had a brilliant facelift. Following the growth we’ve seen in school cleaning and office cleaning contracts we thought it well time our cleaning vehicles were updated as well!

Although our main strength remains the local, experienced commercial cleaning staff we provide all over Merseyside, one of our key priorities has always been presentation.

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School Cleaning; our teams are in a class of their own.
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

School Cleaning; our teams are in a class of their own.

School cleaning; our teams are in a class of their own.

With half term now over, our school cleaning teams are back to the daily grind of keeping classrooms, halls, canteens and more spotless. Breaks like these provide a great opportunity to really hit those high impact areas and get the best finish.

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Nothing beats experience!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Nothing beats experience!

Nothing beats experience!

Here at Cleaning master we’re fortunate enough to have a number of brilliant cleaning contracts managers. As you might expect these managers ensure all our sites are kept up to scratch in terms of the finish we look for, be it a school, workplace or office cleaning site.

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Exceptional Service; a fond farewell!
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Exceptional Service; a fond farewell!

Exceptional Service; a fond farewell!

This week Cleaning Master said a fond farewell to Lauren, an amazing staff member and a regular of our school cleaning teams. As a perfect example of commitment, reliability and professionalism since she started, we can’t thank her enough for all her hard work.

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New year. Fresh start. High hopes.
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

New year. Fresh start. High hopes.

New year always marks one of our busiest times at Cleaning Master and 2023 looks to be no different! We can’t be sure how long the New Year resolutions will last, but thankfully our amazing new hires and client sites look ready to go.

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Cleaning up for a fresh start; Charity work
Cleaning Master Cleaning Master

Cleaning up for a fresh start; Charity work

For many of us the work we do is an important part of who we are. For us as a cleaning company we know for sure that it’s our amazing staff who allow us to provide the level of service, care and attention that we do; across schools, offices, workplaces and more.

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