Office Cleaning Services – Is it worth It?

Whether you manage a small, medium or large business chances are your office is the nerve centre of what your firm does and how it beats the competition. Even with ‘working from home’, ‘hot-desking’ and ‘remote teams’ at the end of the day nothing beats a real office environment for getting things done as a team.


Naturally people in offices, no matter how big or small, generate clutter, mess and rubbish which need to be cleaned. And that’s where a professional, local firm of specialised cleaners (specifically us here at Cleaning Master…) can help, saving you time, money and stress.


I’ve lost count of the number of times that firms come to us after first attempting to manage their cleaning ‘in-house’.  What starts our as “We’ll all just pitch in as we go” soon becomes arguing over who’s turn it is to clean the office bathroom and why are there no loo rolls left. It’s not efficient, it’s not good for morale and for most companies it’s not really a good idea in the first place.


  Asking your own trained and specialised staff to vacuum, dust, steam, mop, shine and disinfect during their own work day rarely goes down well and rarely results in a satisfactory outcome. Not only is it a waste of their time when they could be working and bringing in revenue, but it’s also a moral drag on them as team members.


I’ve yet to meet anyone, bar actual cleaners, who feel inspired by cleaning rotas, checklists and stocking cleaning cupboards each week.


To be blunt: cleaning is not their job. And if they’re having to do it on company time, that’s just wasted productivity. Plus, we might all think we know how to clean – but there’s a big difference between a quick amateur clean and professional clean from Cleaning Master.

Don’t forget cleaner environments aren’t just better for staff health, mood and general organisation, but also make all the difference in those vital first impressions as well.


Bringing in a local, commercial cleaning specialist like Cleaning Master is hands down the smart choice for business. With various packages to suit all businesses our cleaners can take away all that hassle, stress and planning in one simple phone call. Plus we promise to keep your cleaning cupboards (and indeed loo rolls) well stocked! 

Call, message or email today to book your free site survey from Cleaning Master, your local commercial cleaning specialist.


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