Cleaning 9-5….♬trying to keep your business sparkling…♬

Commercial Cleaning Liverpool

Carrying out regular cleaning on top of day to day work is a big ask for most small and medium companies. We get calls daily from all across Liverpool asking for help and support with commercial cleaning.

Office cleaning and workplace cleaning in particular can seem like a never ending task.  After a busy day dealing with office work, clients and customers the last thing many of us want to do is run to pick up the vacuum and take out the bins.

A recent ONS survey showed that over 80% of local business owners work beyond their official hours to keep the lights on.

Make the smart choice! Prioritise your own time!

Simply put, stop, drop and roll…on over to a professional commercial cleaner instead. 

Specifically us, Cleaning Master, your tried and tested professional Liverpool commercial cleaning company. Employing local experienced cleaning staff we offer real quality & cleaning service.

Not a faceless cleaning agency but an established bricks and mortar family firm.  

Spend your and your staff’s time working towards your own actual business aims. Leave the Cleaning to us.

Call, message or email for a simple no-nonsense quote.

We might just surprise you!







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