Spring Cleaning; the work never ends!
As an established commercial cleaning company, we’re busy cleaning year-round as you might expect. Covering schools, offices, businesses and healthcare settings all across Merseyside, it’s a rare day we don’t have a new site to attend or an extra area a client wants covering.
But there’s just something about Springtime which just sees demand for a local, professional commercial cleaning firm soar. We’ve discussed this with our cleaning teams before and the best reason we can come up with is a simple one; Spring cleaning.
Literally what it says on the tin.

Cleaning 9-5….♬trying to keep your business sparkling…♬
Cleaning 9-5… (♬ trying to keep your business sparkling…♬)
Carrying out regular cleaning on top of day to day work is a big ask for most small and medium companies. We get calls daily from all across Liverpool asking for help and support with cleaning.

New equipment makes all the difference!
New equipment makes all the difference!
Great to see all our school cleaning teams really going the extra the mile this week. Particular thanks to Millie for this brilliant photo during our quality control visits. Needless to say the entire team’s skill and commitment is amazing. We always feel that it’s important to go above and beyond simply cleaning an area; taking the time to leave it really feeling fresh and clean as well.